
Mallorca’s Top 5 Properties

By Antonio Fuster, CEO of Balearic Properties It’s always such a pleasure to choose my favourite properties for sale in Majorca, but because there are so many fabulous Mallorcan homes for sale on the market to choose from, it’s not the easiest of tasks! Anyway, I’ve searched through all the homes currently for sale and […]

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Die Top 10- exklusive Häuser mit eigenem Pool in Mallorca

Für Besitzer schöner und ruhig gelegener Häuser in Mallorca ist ein Pool ein abolutes Muss Beginnen Sie den Tag mit einem erfrischenden Sprung in den Pool oder Entspannen Sie sich mit hochgelegten Beinen und einem Cocktail auf der Poolterrasse an einem mallorquinischen Sonnentag, ein privates Schwimmbad ist das Sahnehäubchen für jeden Besitzer gehobener Immobilien. Folgend […]

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Aprobada la ley que amnistía a las viviendas calificadas como “fuera de ordenación”

La nueva ley del suelo de baleares El pasado 11 de Marzo se ha aprobado en el Parlamento de Illes Balears la Ley de Ordenación y uso del suelo de Baleares. Es una Ley muy importante dado que hasta la fecha nuestra Comunidad autónoma no disponía de una Ley del Suelo, suponiendo un cambio importante […]

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Adoption of the law which includes an amnesty for properties “out of regulation“.

The new land law of the balearic islands On March 11th the Parliament of the Balearic Islands adopted the new regulation of the use of the land of the Islands, an important event, because our Autonomy until now did not count on a law of the land. The new law implies important changes of the urbanistic […]

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Top 10 exquisite Mallorcan homes with a private pool

For owners of beautiful secluded homes in Majorca a swimming pool is an absolute must Whether it’s starting the day with a healthy swim before breakfast, or just lounging by the pool, drink in hand, on a beautiful Mallorcan sunny day, a private swimming pool is the icing on the cake for upmarket home owners […]

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The Russians are coming!

Russian buyers give a welcome boost to the Mallorcan real estate and property sector Recently the Spanish government announced that Russian nationals who buy a property costing more than €160,000, will automatically be granted a residence permit. And that’s good news for Majorca’s property sector, as with bank repossessions of property available at good value […]

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