
Properties in Deia and the romantic Ca’s Patro restaurant

Deia is the charming, bohemian village on the west coast that hugs a mountain and captures the hearts of artistically orientated visitors. Over the years, many who originally came to Deia for a holiday ended up buying a town house or a country property for sale in Deia, this fascinating village is like a magnet […]

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Mallorca’s almond trees and almond products

Mallorca’s landscape is without doubt amongst the most spectacular in southern Europe. The island offers it all, crowned by a dramatic mountain range called the Tramuntana, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site and to its feet field upon field is now in blossom and bloom with almond trees. For the best part of 4 […]

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Mallorca’s Olives

As in other Mediterranean countries, Mallorca has a long history of olive growth and some of the stunning olive trees are hundreds of years old. Here in southern Europe, the production is just as much an excellent additional source of income for the island, as the consumption of olive oil is a must in every […]

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Mallorcas Weine

Mallorcas Hauptindustrie ist natürlich der Tourismus, aber erfreulicherweise, ist die Insel nicht nur von dieser einen Einnahmequelle abhängig. Im Laufe der Jahre hat sich Mallorcas Weinproduktion zunehmend weltweit einen hervorragenden Ruf geschaffen und Besitzer von Mallorca Villen und Fincas zu kaufen haben schon längst die hervorragende Qualität entdeckt und sie wissen, dass der Weinanbau auch […]

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Mallorcan Wines

Mallorca’s major industry is, of course, tourism but thankfully, the island does not solely depend upon this one source of income. Over the years, Mallorca has become increasingly famous world-wide for wines and owners of Mallorca villas or fincas for sale have long discovered the superb quality and know that wine also forms a great […]

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Herrliches Landhaus kaufen in Binissalem mit wunderschönem Panoramablick

Let’s move into the countryside – how about a property in Binissalem

Mallorca’s central region has so much going for it Driving up to the northern costal areas many people passthe charming village of Binissalem – and that is it, they just drive past without taking much (if any) notice. Owners of properties for sale in Binissalem and surroundings assure visitors that you do not have to […]

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